The Story Of League of Legends 'Perfect' Champion | Complete History of Jhin ft. @IKeepItT
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Thanks to Taco for helping out parts of this video and giving some insight! Check out his content
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Today, let's talk about the story of the champion that people call the best designed in the game, everyone's choice for Riot's best work... League of Legends 'Perfect Champ'... this is the complete history of Jhin!
Special thank you to my long time friend Kyle who helped out with editing some parts of this video! https://www.instagram.com/_kylekiss_/
0:00 - Intro
3:20 - A New Breed
8:25 - Development
17:28 - Release
26:23 - The Bad Years
32:20 - Rageblade
34:42 - Return To Form
40:40 - Conclusion
44:44 - FOUR
Also thank you so much to Chris Rossini, Joon Cho, Matthew Campbell
and Francesco Mantegazza, my first four patrons!
Chris Rossini subscribed to the $25 tier, thank you so much Chris!
Joon Cho subscribed to the $25 tier, thank you so much Joon!
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Songs in this video come from the super talented Adrian von Ziegler, an awesome artist who allows YouTubers to use his music for free. He's great at what he does, please check out his stuff here and subscribe to his channel ---- https://www.youtube.com/user/AdrianvonZiegler
Songs also from Peten Music please check out his soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/petenmusic
Songs are also from Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Clips and pros featuring Sneaky, Imaqtpie, Rekkles, and Doublelift
Redmercy Jhin Rageblade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p0Chn_OdsU&t=89s
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