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The Complete History Of League of Legends' Poster Girl - Riot Games' Favorite Champion

0 Views • 29/08/24
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Special thanks to the whole Lux community they helped me out with this video!
►League of Legends Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/lux

Today, let's talk about one of the most popular league of legends champions of all time, Lux, and her place in league of legends history. From a champion who was known for being terrible for Mid and Support, to being a top tier champion in competitive play, to now being a champion who always gets new skins, new themes, and has become the poster girl for league of legends. This is a video covering the history of Lux, and the history of league of legends, and Season 10 League of Legends, Rise of the Elements League of Legends.
Check out league of legends new cinematic, Warriors - Lux Cinematic!

Season 10, 10.1, 10.2, Patch 10.1, Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4
Patch 10.1 Tier List, Season 10 Patch 10.1, Season 10 Patch 10.2, Patch 10.3, Patch 10.4, Patch 10.5, Patch 10.6, Patch 10.7, Patch 10.8, Patch 10.9, Patch 10.10, Patch 10.11, Patch 10.12, Patch 10.13

Thumbnail: The Thumbnail was made with some help from Dahrwijn
Contact him for work!
Discord: Dahrwijn#3062
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCRLlRv8XX-TXW2phy

»» Business inquiries

Video Sources for this league of legends documentary (ALL sources under Fair Use, and are being used fairly.)

New Lux Skin League of Legends

Wild Rift New League of Legends

Lux Support

Lux Montage League of Legends Montage

League of Legends Lux Guide

League of Legends Montage Lux Montage

Lux Mid Rapidstar

Lux Support

Lux Montage League of Legends Montage Pentakill Lux

Pobelter Lux Snipe

Some of the music in this video is from Epidemic Sound, a service that you can pay for monthly and use a massive library of music royalty free. All music used from Epidemic Sound in this video is rights reserved. Music is owned by the producer.

A Night at the Castle - Jon Algar
An Animal Conspiracy - Arylide Fields
Berries - Dag Anderson
The Cemetary Dance - Jon Bjork
Spirit Of The Ages - Jo Wandrini
Need You Back (Instrumental Version) - Milva
May You Have - Bonnie Grace
Life on Venus - Sun Chime
Fruit of Lore - Deskant
Flying Ships - Jerry Lacey
Careful Consideration - Jon Bjork

****Check out these talented Musicians who have awesome music! I used quite a few of their songs for this video so please check out Alexander Nakarada and Jonathan Segev!

Fantasy Music
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/jonathansegev
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisterSegev
His Channel https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCWL-sKW6m7Srb4bk6

Fantasy Music

Music: Adventure by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Patch 10.12 on the PBE on surrender at 20

►U.GG for Lux Mid Lane Runes And Build on U.GG

►U.GG for Lux Support Runes And Build on U.GG

Concepts: Best ADC 10.11, Best support 10.11, best mid laners 10.11, best junglers 10.11, best top laners 10.11 patch 10.11 rundown, 10.11 lol, 10.11 changes, ADC Buffs 10.11, Zeal buffs 10.11, Graves nerfs 10.11, Talon nerfs 10.11, Janna nerfs 10.11, Syndra nerfs 10.11, Fiddlesticks buffs 10.11, Lux buffs 10.11, Gangplank buffs 10.11, Hecarim buffs 10.11, Kai'Sa buffs 10.11, ADC item buffs 10.11, ADC HP buffs 10.11, Volibear rework, Volibear rework 10.11

Concepts: proguides,league of legends,league of legends pro guides,best junglers 10.11,Best mid laners 10.11,Best adcs 10.11,Best top laners 10.11,Best supports 10.11,new league of legends 10.11,OP Korean champs,Op korean builds 10.11,Strongest new builds 10.11,New builds 10.11,League of legends 10.11,New op builds 10.11,Korean builds league of legends,league of legends 10.11,10.11 korean builds,league of legends patch 10.11,patch 10.11 lol,OP New champs 10.11

#tierlist #league #Season10 #leagueoflegends #riotgames

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