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YOUR FIRST DRUM FILLS - Beginner Lesson #2

0 Views • 30/08/24
11 Subscribers

Now that you know the basics, it’s time for you to create your first easy drum fills!

In this new drum lesson I’m going to teach you the basics of drum fills and how can you start creating your own drum fills, from half measure fills to full measure fills, it’s going to be awesome! Thank you so much for watching!

00:00 Intro
00:53 What are fills?
01:40 Fills Explanation
02:29 Full Measure and Half Measure Fills
03:12 Drum Fills Lesson
03:30 Drum Fill #1 (Lesson)
07:43 Drum Fill #2 (Lesson)
11:20 Drum Fills with Music
12:48 Outro


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#DrumLesson #DrumFills #HowToPlayDrums

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