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World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36

0 Views • 29/08/24
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In which John Green teaches you about World War 2, as it was lived on the home front. You'll learn about how the war changed the country as a whole, and changed how Americans thought about their country. John talks about the government's control of war production, and how the war probably helped to end the Great Depression. Broader implementation of the income tax, the growth of large corporations, and the development of the West Coast as a manufacturing center were also results of the war. The war positively changed the roles of women and African Americans, but it was pretty terrible for the Japanese Americans who were interred in camps. In short, World War II changed America's role in the world, changed American life at home, and eventually spawned the History Channel.

Hey teachers and students - Check out CommonLit's free collection of reading passages and curriculum resources to learn more about the events of this episode. At home in America, everyone joined in the war effort, with everyone contributing to American industry: https://www.commonlit.org/text....s/how-american-indus
But America had its fair share of shame, such as when the country turned away Jewish refugees on the St. Louis who would die in the Holocaust: https://www.commonlit.org/text....s/jewish-refugees-on
During World War II, there was also a painful period of Japanese relocation and internment throughout the country: https://www.commonlit.org/text....s/japanese-relocatio

Learn more about WWII in these other Crash Course videos:
Crash Course World History:
World War II (38): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q78COTwT7nE
World War II, A War for Resources (220): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-2q-QMUIgY

Crash Course European History:
World War II (38): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs_JMydrxZM
World War II Civilians and Soldiers (39): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlx6ur_D51s
The Holocaust, Genocides, and Mass Murder of WWII (40): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQeDvnapdlg
Post-World War II Recovery (42): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlp068CmQaE

Crash Course Black American History:
World War II (31): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7wrwPnQVg4

Introduction 00:00
Changes in Government Function During WWII 0:34
WWII Economic Impact 1:56
Industrialization in WWII 3:06
Women at Work 3:51
Mystery Document 4:36
FDR's Four Freedoms 5:40
The GI Bill of Rights 6:36
Free Enterprise 6:58
American Attitudes About Race During WWII 7:37
Japanese-American Internment Camps 8:54
African-Americans in WWII 9:45
Post-WWII Developments 11:21
Credits 13:48

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