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What’s The Deal With These Heat Waves? | Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains...

0 Views • 29/08/24
11 Subscribers

What is a heat wave? On this explainer, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice explore the massive heat waves that have been sweeping the world with Director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Gavin Schmidt.

Learn what qualifies something as a heat wave. We break down the extreme heat happening globally and the pressure it's been putting on current infrastructure. Why exactly are we seeing more of the extreme heat? We get into the jet stream and wave patterns in the Earth’s atmosphere. Why do we pay attention to extreme heat in some regions but not others? Will someplace become unlivable? Finally, learn about the last ice age and what sorts of changes our climate is facing. What’s our heat limit?

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Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!

#StarTalk #NeildeGrasseTyson

0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - NASA GISS
3:26 - What is a Heatwave?
5:08 - UK Heatwave
7:15 - Climate Change
10:31 - Climate Variability
14:00 - Global Temperatures
21:06 - Dangers of Climate Change
23:07 - Closing Notes

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