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The Shape of the Universe with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Delilah Gates | Cosmic Queries

1 Views • 29/08/24
11 Subscribers

What is the shape of spacetime? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice discover the structure of the universe, spacetime geometry, and relativity with theoretical physicist at Princeton Gravity Initiative, Delilah Gates.

Is spacetime stable? We explore the four dimensions and how there could be more. Why are there so many spheres in the universe? Could the universe be a closed spherical shape? Find out if wormholes can be stable and how matter warps spacetime.

Could far away galaxies be our past selves mirroring back at us? Do we live in a flat universe? Learn about tori, the golden ratio, and the geometry of spacetime around blackholes. Why can’t light escape from a black hole?

Are galaxies closer together in other places or is it just our field of view? Could spacetime be like a fluid? Finally, Is there a center of the universe? Find out why not.

Thanks to our Patrons Anna Jeter, Logan Green, Kathy McConnell, Glen A. Axberg, and dan wres for supporting us this week.

NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free.

About the prints that flank Neil in this video:
"Black Swan” & "White Swan" limited edition serigraph prints by Coast Salish artist Jane Kwatleematt Marston. For more information about this artist and her work, visit Inuit Gallery of Vancouver. https://inuit.com/

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Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!

#StarTalk #neildegrassetyson

00:00 - Intro: Spacetime geometry
04:30 - What is Spacetime?
08:18 - Why is everything a sphere?
10:20 - Can wormholes be stable?
14:20 - Are we in an open or closed universe?
20:45 - The Shape of the Universe
26:57 - Upper dimensions
31:28 - Spacetime around Black holes
36:30 - Our field of view
40:02 - Is spacetime a fluid inside an event horizon?
42:13 - Is there a center of the universe?
44:17 - Mandela Effect

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