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The Mortuary Assistant | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

0 Views • 15/10/24
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It's finally time for another horror game and this time we have a true classic in the making! The Mortuary Assistant is a horror game that has been developed for over two years by a small indie dev that have poured their hearts and souls in it. Over the years multiple demos were released and hopes were high for it's final version. We play as Rebecca who has just started her job as a mortuary assistant and already on the first day things go south! Our former teacher notices that a demon has bound itself to us and in order to rid ourselves of this entity we will have to perform a sacred ritual....while also doing our job as a mortuary assistant. The game is small in scale, but oozes atmosphere. But what truly shines in this game are the scares and the system that creates those scares. Instead of having all of the scares scripted, the game utilizes a system where it creates scares depending on how far you are in the game, what items you hold or what direction you are facing. That means that a playthrough of yours will have different scares at different points. It can even happen that certain scares will not happen on your first playthrough! This keeps things tense and always scary, since you never expect what comes next. This game was a blast to play and hope that it will perform well to see what the developers will come up with next!

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