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Prayer life Stink? A short guide on how to talk with God, not to God.

1 Views • 29/08/24
11 Subscribers

Two questions I get the most are, "how to pray?", and, "how do I get closer to God?": The first is the answer to the second, but often our prayer can get a little stale and/or we were never taught how to pray - deeper. This is a short guide of thoughts and techniques that have helped me pray deeper, better, and from the heart.

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00:00 intro
01:04 What is prayer?
01:37 Three ingredients
01:53 Presence
02:20 Heart
03:18 Trust
04:52 Prep
05:56 How To
08:00 Sorry
08:58 Others
09:49 Myself
11:39 Thanks
12:02 Conclusion

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