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How Many Languages Do Germans Speak? | Easy German 473

0 Views • 30/08/24
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Learn German with our street interviews: 50 people from all over the world recently took part in our Easy German Summer School. Together with some of the participants, we filmed this episode for you. We ask the people on the street which languages they speak, which ones they use in everyday life and which ones they might still want to learn.

Lernt Deutsch mit unseren Straßen-Interviews: 50 Menschen aus aller Welt waren kürzlich bei unserer Easy German Summer School dabei. Gemeinsam mit einigen Teilnehmenden haben wir diese Episode für euch gedreht. Wir fragen die Menschen auf der Straße, welche Sprachen sie sprechen, welche sie im Alltag benutzen und welche sie vielleicht noch lernen möchten.
Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.
Hosts of this episode: Janusz Hamerski/Carina Schmid
Camera & Edit: Rawad Sabbagh
Translation: Ben Eve

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