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Eddie Hearn Tells All On Haney vs. Garcia, Ryan's Positive Test, State of Boxing | ATS Fight

0 Views • 29/08/24
11 Subscribers

The hits keep coming on ALL THE SMOKE fight as Andre Ward sits down with boxing promoter Eddie Hearn for an exclusive conversation. Hearn tells all about the Devin Haney vs. Ryan Garcia fight, including how the negotiations unfolded, the craziness of fight night, the upset in the ring, and finding out about Ryan Garcia's positive PED test. Plus, he shares his thoughts on the state of boxing, his relationship with other promoters, and his upbringing. Also, he explains his back and forth with Terence Crawford on his fight night with Madrimov, why he gets into exchanges like that, and the importance of building boxing stars.

#allthesmoke #MMA #boxing #AllTheSmokeFight #andreward #eddiehearn #HaneyGarcia #devinhaney #ryangarcia #terencecrawford

(00:00:00) - Intro
(00:00:35) - Bud Crawford Verbal Exchange, Creating Boxing Stars
(00:06:20) - Eddie Hearn's Upbringing
(00:11:30) - Fighter Pay, Promoter-Fighter Relationship
(00:16:25) - Which Fighter He Wishes He Could Have Promoted
(00:17:20) - Eddie Hearn vs. Other Promoters
(00:21:00) - Terence Crawford, Shakur Leaving Top Rank
(00:29:10) - State of Boxing, Turki
(00:31:05) - Haney vs. Garcia Fight & Negotiations
(00:44:50) - Ryan Garcia's Positive PED Test
(00:51:34) - Eddie's Advice To Devin Haney
(00:57:51) - END

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