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Cree Elders Get Emotional When I Speak Their Dying Language

2 Views • 30/08/24
11 Subscribers

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Anyway, I was challenged to come out in the middle of the ice cold winter to remote northern Saskatchewan to learn Cree, one of the world’s most difficult and highly endangered languages, by Patrick, a dancer from Canada’s indigenous Cree people, and then try to give a speech in Cree in front of a room full of skeptical elders. We also went dog sledding, sweat lodging, and moose eating – a truly unique First Nations / Native American experience! If you want to learn some Cree, Patrick and his family have Cree courses available at repeataftermecree.com

0:00 Introduction
0:21 Sponsored by Skillshare
1:31 Buying gifts for the tribe
3:00 Talking to random strangers in Cree
6:23 Speaking Welsh in Canada
7:56 Going dog sledding
8:52 Eating moose and rabbit
10:22 Meeting the village elders
12:09 An emotional moment
13:08 Saying goodbye to the elders
13:51 Experiencing sweat lodge
16:15 Ordering in Chinese at local Chinese restaurant
18:46 How hard is Cree to learn?
21:13 How do I learn languages?


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