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“Complete FAKE News Bullsh*t!” Piers Morgan vs Andrew Tate On Riots

0 Views • 29/08/24
11 Subscribers

This week, the UK has been gripped in the throes of violent riots; ignited by the murders of three young girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance in Southport, Merseyside. In a matter of hours, disinformation about the suspect began to spread around social media, claiming the 17-year-old assailant was an illegal Muslim migrant; which turned out to be untrue. Andrew Tate in particular made these claims on his X account, leading MP Nigel Farage to push out these falsehoods as well. As a result, both mosques and Muslims themselves have been attacked.

Piers Morgan brings Andrew Tate onto Uncensored to take him to task over his part in the amplification of these falsehoods, and the latter furiously defends himself. A war of words ensues - but at the very least, Tate does call for an end to the rioting and violence.

00:00 - Introduction
04:18 - “Why did you race to spread such woeful disinformation?”
07:55 - "This is a failure of all politicians and leaders”
10:33 - “Those were acts of violence committed by far-right thugs”
13:08 - Tate on Ukraine
14:58 - Tate on Keir Starmer’s election victory
15:50 - Nigel Farage blames Tate for spinning disinformation
18:08 - Piers calls out Tate’s ‘typical man from Cardiff' post
19:58 - Tate on being a half-white, half-black Muslim
21:18 - 'Muslims believe you are siding with Tommy Robinson!'
32:08 - Piers asks Tate if he will apologise for disinformation
34:38 - What makes someone British?
37:38 - Tate retweeting Nick Fuentes
40:18 - Tate brands Piers an 'antisemite'
40:58 - "Do you denounce right wing thugs attacking Muslims?"
48:18 - Tate calls on right wing rioters to stop

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