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10 Beginner Drum Songs | Go From “No” To “Pro”

0 Views • 30/08/24
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Go here to download the FREE PDF Booklet for all 10 songs:https://stephensdrumshed.lpage....s.co/10-beginner-dru

Over the years, I have found it incredibly useful to use songs to learn the drums. Learning songs on the drums is a fun way to master some of the basics with your drumming. This drum lesson will work you through 10 songs on the drums that progressively get harder and teach you new drumming skills.

Here's the playlist with all of the songs: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL7lhIEq2-30Bo3A

Be sure to check out this drum lesson as well...

10 Beginner Drum Beats | Go From "No" To "Pro": https://youtu.be/tQgsf6S4T1E

Sometimes as a drummer, it's nice to have some drum beats that you can pull out in a variety of situations that just WORK. I remember as a beginner drummer that I loved to find drum beats that worked with songs that I knew. So here's a quick lesson on 10 Beginner Drum Songs.

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FREE drum lesson series "Creating A Drum Fill Vocabulary": https://www.stephensdrumshed.c....om/creating-drum-fil

FREE download "30 Days to Better Doubles": http://www.stephensdrumshed.com/emailstuff/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/stephensdrumshed

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/drummeretc

Cymbals: Zildjian

Drums: Ludwig (and a random vintage Rogers 18" floor tom)

Sticks: Vic Firth 5A

Heads: Aquarian

In Ears: Alclair In Ear Monitors

Lauten Microphones

Earthworks Microphones

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